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一串红又名西洋红、爆竹红,属唇形科,鼠尾草属,花序浓密,姹紫嫣红,是园林绿化的好材料。一串红全草可入药,味甘性平,有凉血消肿之效。 一串红地栽,绿荫覆地,花馨茎繁,红艳如醉,喜庆怡人。然一串红盆栽往往呈现株高2尺有余,盆面裸露,茎杆摇晃欲坠,且枝叶繁茂,花隐叶显,有喧宾夺主之态。我校生物劳技实践课及课外劳技兴趣小组活动时,对一串红盆栽矮壮进行了尝试,采取“缓、配、修、喷、插”五字措施,收到了好的效果。具体做法如下: 1.缓播:可将去年收的一串红花籽,推迟于五月立夏时盆播。由于气温高,阳光足,呼吸作用加强,蒸腾作用加大,而温度较低,茎叶生长速度缓慢了,避免春播后疯长现象。 A string of red, also known as red, firecracker red, is a Labiatae, sage, inflorescence dense, colorful, is a good material for landscaping. A bunch of red grass can be used as medicine, sweet and flat, there is the effect of cooling blood. A bunch of red planted, shade covered, flower and stem stem complex, red Yan drunk, happy pleasant. However, a bunch of red potted plants tend to show more than 2 feet tall, bare exposed, stalk stalked, and lush foliage, flowers hidden leaves were overturned. In our bio-labor practice class and extra-curricular labor interest group activities, we attempted a series of short and strong potted plants and adopted the five-word measures of “ease, match, repair, spray and plug” and received good results. Specific practices are as follows: 1. Slow sowing: a bunch of safflower seeds collected last year, postponed in May summer planting pots. As the temperature is high, the sun enough to enhance respiratory effects, increased transpiration, and lower temperature, stem and leaf growth is slow, to avoid the phenomenon of soaring spring after sowing.
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  Potential Induced Degradation (PID) is a growing problem in the c-Si market.The belief is that sodium ions migrate to the P/N junction and cause the cell to
促使我写下这篇文章的是一幕真实的惨剧: 1994年7月,风华正茂的美国优秀女子体操运动员克里斯蒂·亨瑞琪为摘取奥运桂冠,长期节食过度,终于致死,死时体重不足27公斤。因减肥