Improving Throughput For TCP Vegas

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vanechin
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To slove the problem that the implementation of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Vegas does not consider the impact of TCP’s segment size on Round-Trip Time (RTT) while calculating RTT and the smallest RTT (base _rtt), this paper proposes a modified congestion control mechanism for TCP Vegas. It first groups segments on the basis of segments size and updates base _rtt based on groups. In congestion avoidance phase, TCP Vegas changes its window size according to the measured RTT of the segment corresponding to the latest received ACK and the base _rtt retrieved from the group that the segment belongs to. Simulations illustrate that the enhanced TCP Vegas can achieve higher throughput up to 40 percent. To slove the problem that the implementation of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Vegas does not consider the impact of TCP’s segment size on Round-Trip Time (RTT) while calculating RTT and the smallest RTT (base _rtt), this paper proposes a modified congestion control mechanism for TCP Vegas. It first groups segments on the basis of segments size and updates base _rtt based on groups. In congestion avoidance phase, TCP Vegas changes its window size according to the measured RTT of the segment corresponding to the latest received ACK and the base _rtt retrieved from the group that the segment belongs to. Simulations that the enhanced TCP Vegas can achieve higher throughput up to 40 percent.
本刊编者按:马明方(1905-1974年),陕西米脂人,是陕北革命根据地的创始人和领导人之一。建国后任我省首任省委书记、省人民政府主席。1954年以后上调中央工作,1960年初任中共中央东北局第三书记。文革中遭迫害致死。    迪化抗日 虎口脱身    1937年10月,中国共产党与新疆边防督办盛世才建立了新疆抗日民族统一战线,同时,在省城迪化(今乌鲁木齐)设立了八路军驻新疆办事处。  曾担任过中
段祺瑞庐山问“棋”1934年8月10日,段祺瑞在其子段宏业的陪同下到达牯岭,励志社按照蒋介石的意旨,请段祺瑞自挑一处别墅。据庐山老人 Duan Qirui Lushan asked “chess ”