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水稻抛秧栽培是继水稻盘育苗机械播秧之后的又一项栽培新技术。它具有省工、省种、成本低、易操作、劳动强度小,水稻抛后缓秧快、分蘖多、成熟早、产量高等优点。其栽培技术要点如下: 1.育秧盘准备。一般可使用规格为长50厘米,宽40厘米,面积为0.2平方米,每盘带有515个秧钵,按照9×4的密度计算,每盘可抛20.6平方米,每公顷用500 Rice throwing cultivation is the second cultivation of new technology after rice seedling mechanical seedling. The utility model has the advantages of provincial workers, provincial species, low cost, easy operation, small labor intensity, fast grain yield after rice throwing, multiple tillers, early maturity and high yield. The cultivation techniques are as follows: 1. Nursery tray preparation. General specifications for the length of 50 cm, width 40 cm, an area of ​​0.2 square meters, with 515 seedlings per plate, according to the density of 9 × 4, each dish can throw 20.6 square meters per hectare 500
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