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20世纪70年代伊始,翻译理论研究突破原先单一语言学派的局限,转而向多维性和文化研究方向拓展,继而演进成为语言学派和文化学派双峰并峙的态势。这一变革在开阔翻译理论探求视域、丰富翻译学界研究内容的同时、也对建构协调、统一的翻译学科产生了负面影响。鉴此,整合两大学派旗下翻译理论的研究成果,促成它们在统一的学科框架内兼容并蓄、优势互补,已然是翻译学界不容回避和亟待探讨的重大课题之一。本文拟以语篇信息性为出发点、结合英汉语际翻译的固有特质,旨在揭明如何建构英汉互译理论新的平台,以及语言、文化流派旗下翻译理论研究成果的整合问题。 At the beginning of the 1970s, the study of translation theory broke through the limitations of the original single linguistic school and instead expanded to multidimensionality and cultural studies. It then evolved into a double-peak confrontation between linguistic and cultural schools. This change has a negative impact on the construction of a coordinated and unified translation discipline while broadening the horizon of translation studies and enriching the content of translation studies. In view of this, it is already one of the major topics that can not be evaded and urgently discussed in the field of translation studies that integrating the research findings of the translation theories of the two schools of thought and promoting them to be integrated within the framework of a unified discipline and complement each other’s strengths. This article intends to use discourse information as a starting point and combines with the inherent qualities of English-Chinese inter-lingual translation to reveal how to construct a new platform for English-Chinese translation theory and the integration of translation theory research results under the guidance of linguistic and cultural schools.
马萨诸塞州伍斯特2011年7月20日Allegro MicroSystems公司宣布推出用于LCD背光的两款新型多输出LED驱动器。A8502和A8514整合了电流模式升压转换器与内部电流开关和多个灌电