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人之为人,对于世间万物总会心有所系,说爱好人人皆有,大约并不为过。各人爱好有别,无分高下。然而,其影响之大小,却因人而异。普通人之爱好,对周围人的影响毕竟有限。担负一定领导职责的人则不同,其兴趣爱好会通过他行使权力的行为以及身份地位的影响,数倍、数十倍地扩散开来,从而产生种种始料不及的效应。所谓“楚王好细腰,宫中多饿死”,说的就是这个道理。因此,领导干部把握自己的爱好,不可不慎之又慎。 People of people, for the world of things always have a relationship, that everyone likes to love, probably not too much. Everyone loves to be different, without distinction. However, the magnitude of its impact varies from person to person. Ordinary people love, after all, the impact on people around is limited. The people who take on certain leadership duties are different, and their interests and hobbies will multiply and multiply by tens of times through the influence of their exercise of power and the status of their status, resulting in unforeseen consequences. The so-called “Chu fine waist, palace hungry to death,” that is the truth. Therefore, leading cadres should grasp their own hobbies, must not be cautious.
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Intel公司P6、P7芯片Intel公司正在平行地加速开发两种下一代的64位处理器。第一个产品是与X86完全兼容的P6,Intel内部定名为P6;另一个更先进的P7,是和HP合作开发,并采用了HP的PARISC结构。这两种处理器有可能在1997年初... I
分析了单级双吸式离心泵发生汽蚀的部住和外观特征,运行特性及汽蚀发生的原因和主要形式,提出了提高单级双吸式离心泵抗汽蚀性能的措施和途径。 The characteristics of par
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人前道貌岸然,独处时荒淫无耻,令人作呕的“色情档案”撕开了李庆普的真面目。贪财贪色恶性膨胀,铺就了一个国企领导的毁灭之路。请看——— Predecessor pious, alone when
OBJECTIVE To introduce a novel surrogate analyte approach for definitive quantitation of endogenous drugs using LC-MS-based technology in biological samples.MET