Evaluation of Tubal Patency with Transvaginal Three-dimensional Hysterosalpingo-contrast Sonography

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Objective To investigate diagnostic efficacy of transvaginal three-dimensional hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography(3D-Hy Co Sy) in assessing tubal patency with chromolaporoscopy. Methods A total of 157 infertile women underwent 3D-Hy Co Sy to evaluate tubal patency. Among these patients, 39 patients were also examined by chromolaporoscopy. The concordance of the two clinical assessment methods was analyzed by the Kappa coefficient test. Results Among the 306 oviducts examined by 3D-Hy Co Sy, 99(32.4%) were patent, 126(41.2%) partially obstructed, and 81(26.5%) completely obstructed. Diagnostic results with 3D-Hy Co Sy were not statistically different from those obtained in the 39 women(78 oviducts) who also underwent chromolaporoscopy, and the two methods showed a high concordance(κ=0.747, P=0.000). The 3D-Hy Co Sy procedure had a sensitivity of 84.8%(28/33), a specificity of 96.2%(25/26), and positive and negative predictive values of 93.3%(28/30) and 86.2%(25/29) respectively. Conclusion Transvaginal 3D-Hy Co Sy can accurately reveal the spatial path and morphology of the oviduct and is a safe and effective method to evaluate tubal patency. Objective To investigate diagnostic efficacy of transvaginal three-dimensional hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography (3D-Hy Co Sy) in assessing tubal patency with chromolaporoscopy. Methods A total of 157 infertile women underwent 3D-Hy Co Sy to evaluate tubal patency. Among these patients, Results Conclusions of the two clinical assessment methods were analyzed by the Kappa coefficient test. Results Among the 306 oviducts examined by 3D-Hy Co Sy, 99 (32.4%) were patent, 126 (41.2%) partially obstructed, and 81 (26.5%) completely obstructed. Diagnostic results with 3D-Hy Co Sy were not showed different from those obtained in those women (78 oviducts) who also underwent chromolaporoscopy, and the two methods showed a high concordance (κ = 0.747, P = 0.000). The 3D-Hy Co Sy procedure had a sensitivity of 84.8% (28/33), a specificity of 96.2% (25/26), and positive and negative predictive values ​​of 93.3% (28 / 30) and 86.2% (25/29) respectively. Concl usion Transvaginal 3D-Hy Co Sy can accurately reveal the spatial path and morphology of the oviduct and is a safe and effective method to evaluate tubal patency.
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