美推“旧车换现金”计划 经销商掌车辆报废大权起争议

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近日,美国国会参议院批准了“旧车换现金”计划,预计将耗资近40亿美元。该计划称,如果美国车主愿意以高油耗旧车换取节能省油的卡车和轿车,则将获得3500美元到4500美元不等的补贴。然而,该计划中的一项要求却引起了诸多争议。计划中提到:在换购的过程中,用户是否能够获得4500美元的现金补助将由经销商说了算。对此,美国国际汽车经销商协会相关负责人表示,因为政府这一决定,一些经销商将会利用这一权利谋私或者欺骗消费者。 Recently, the U.S. Senate approved the “old cars for cash ” plan, is expected to cost nearly $ 4 billion. According to the plan, U.S. owners will receive subsidies ranging from $ 3,500 to $ 4,500 if they are willing to pay for energy-efficient and fuel-efficient trucks and sedans. However, one of the requirements of the plan has caused much controversy. The plan mentioned: In the redemption process, whether the user can get $ 4500 in cash subsidies will be the final say by the dealer. In this regard, the United States International Automobile Dealers Association official said that because of the government decision, some dealers will use this right to seek personal gain or deceive consumers.
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