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美国科学家研制出一种可在中波和长波红外谱区内同时探测三个波段的量子阱红外光电探测器。这种器件具有三层结构,每层结构中都有InGaAs量子阱。在5.9μm-7.0μm、 9.1μm-11.2μm和12.2μ-16.9μm American scientists have developed a quantum well infrared photodetector that can simultaneously detect three bands in the mid-wave and long-wave infrared spectral regions. The device has a three-layer structure, each layer structure has InGaAs quantum wells. At 5.9 μm-7.0 μm, 9.1 μm-11.2 μm and 12.2 μ-16.9 μm
A multiple model tracking algorithm based on neural network and multiple-process noise soft-switching for maneuvering targets is presented.In this algorithm, th
A convenient and rapid approach for the syntheses of (-)-kaerophyllin (1),(-)-hinokinin (2) and (±)-isohinokinin (3) was described. The key steps were involved
Density functional theory calculations with the B3LYP functional are used to study the structure and stabilities of C 5H 2 isomers and possible isomerization
队 :吴晓莉主教练 :乔玉川教练 :马璋四川科利多女排是一支年轻的队伍 ,但进步很快。继1995年获得全国锦标赛冠军后 ,又在’96—’97全国“优胜杯”赛上获得了第一名。1997年八运会上 ,其
The removal of nitrogen oxides from exhaust gases has attracted great attention in recentyears, and many approaches have been developed depending on the applic
 4)纵横切传接球练习   方法:全队分两组按图 16所示站位,⑥持球传给摆脱接球的④立即纵切,未接到球后立即跑到底角接④的传球,④传球后快速摆脱横切篮下接⑥的传球投篮,⑥抢篮
为促进我国分析技术 ,特别是地球化学分析技术的学术交流 ,增进分析化学家们的互相了解 ,推动分析测试技术的进步 ,中国地质学会拟于2003年5月在北京召开全国地球化学分析学术报告