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本刊自1999年第9期起,为报道原国家教委的“九五”课题——“提高我国幼儿师资素质的研究”开办了专栏,截止到2000年第3期,已经刊出《素质教育与教育素质》《教师引导幼儿主动学习的策略》《将教育渗透于一日生活中》《教师因人施教的策略》《提高幼儿教师实现家园共育的能力和水平》《让教师在参与式培训中主动发展与提高》等一系列重头文章,受到了读者的广泛关注。3月20日,本刊编辑部召开了部分教研人员、园长、教师与课题组成员参加的座谈会。与会者认为,课题组的研究为提高教师素质提供了扎扎实实的理论依据和实践形态,明确了新时期教师应具备的素质。而课题中为教师获得这种素质所倡导的“参与式培训”的方式,更成为会上谈论的焦点。大家认为,这种培训方式让教师由被动变主动,是值得推广的好方法。现将大家在座谈会上的发言摘要刊登如下,希望给读者提供一些有益的启示。 Since 9th issue of 1999, we published a special column covering the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” issue of the State Education Commission, “Research on Improving the Quality of Kindergarten Teachers in China”. As of the third issue of 2000, And education quality “” teachers guide young children to take the initiative to learn the strategy “” to infiltrate the day-to-day education in life “” teachers teach people in the strategy “” to improve the ability and level of kindergarten teachers to achieve home co-education “” Let teachers participate Initiative in training and development “and a series of heavy head of articles, by the reader’s attention. On March 20, the editorial department of our magazine held a symposium attended by some teaching and research personnel, chiefs, teachers and members of the research group. The participants believed that the research of the research group provided a solid theoretical basis and practice form for improving the quality of teachers and clarified the qualities teachers should have in the new era. The topic of ”participatory training" advocated by teachers for this quality has become the focus of discussion at the conference. Everyone thinks that this kind of training method enables teachers to change from passive to active and is a good way worth promoting. Now everyone in the forum summary of the speech published below, I hope to give readers some useful inspiration.
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李琪小朋友心脏动过手术,家长再三叮嘱,户外活动不要让她参加,为此我对她格外照顾。 今天户外活动时,我照例带领小朋友们到室外做体育游戏,一看李琪也跟着小朋友们往外走,我
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做家长的教育伙伴 以前,许多家长误以为把孩子送入幼儿园,就是让孩子吃吃、睡睡、玩玩,对幼儿教育的重要性认识不足,对幼儿园教育工作的配合既不主动也不积极。 小班第一学