敦煌古乐 千年绝响

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上世纪末,本世纪初,甘肃敦煌藏经洞里发现一本无人可解的“天书”,一时难倒中外学者。 一个难解的谜,如何能理解千年前古人的“天书”?从记谱上、文字上都需要极为丰厚而扎实的音乐与考古方面的修养与学识,才能有知难而进的勇气。谁来解这个谜?为中国古代音乐史再添上重重的一笔功绩? At the end of the last century, at the beginning of this century, an untold “bible” was found in the Caves of Dunhuang Monastery in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, which temporarily soured Chinese and foreign scholars. How can we understand the ancestral Book of the Ancients thousand years ago? From the annotation and the writing, we need extremely rich and solid music and archeology to cultivate and learn in order to have the courage to go through difficulties. Who solve this mystery? For ancient Chinese music history add a heavy merit?
The effect of transduction with a reverse fragment to a cDNA encoding human 6A8 α-mannosidase on apoptosis induction of human B cell line SKW6 by anti-Fas anti
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磷酸氯喹预处理对海水浸泡正常和失血性休克动物的影响 Effect of chloroquine phosphate pretreatment on seawater immersion normal and hemorrhagic shock animals
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