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花境在中国只能说是刚刚起步。浑沌之初,糊涂账总是不可避免。对花境理解的差异、花境植物材料的良莠不齐、花境设计师对植物材料的把握不准、施工人员对花境的误解、花境养护不力等导致大家对花境的评价褒贬不一,大有“园林景观,成也花境、败也花境”的感叹。花境从业人员都能清醒地认识到:花境中,植物为魂。所以他们踏踏实实地从生产、研究花境植物材料开始,努力提供优秀适用的植物产品。我们的园林设计师也从疑惑“相比英国精美绝伦的花境,国内的花境总是望尘莫及”开始,努力熟悉植物习性,学习植物配置的艺术。花境是个三部曲。做好了前两部,第三部养护也有了基础和方向。花境的实践中还存在着许多误区和难题。如何以艺术手法、科学的原则、精益求精的态度,打造更多绚烂多彩、低养护高品质的花境作品,是我们本期专题的议点。 Flower border in China can only say that has just started. The beginning of chaos, confused account is always inevitable. Differences in the understanding of the flower border, the good and the bad in the flower border plant material, the flower border designer’s grasp of the plant material is not accurate, the construction staff misunderstood the flower border, the flower border maintenance ineffective and so on people’s evaluation of the flower border mixed, Great “garden landscape, into a blossoming, defeat also flower border” sigh. Floridian practitioners can clearly recognize: flowers in the plants as the soul. Therefore, they start from the production and research of flower plant materials, and strive to provide excellent and applicable plant products. Our garden designers also began to struggle with the art of plant habitat learning from the wonders of “Exquisite flower border in England, the domestic flower border never fails to catch up”. Flower border is a trilogy. Do the first two, the third maintenance also has the foundation and direction. There are many mistakes and problems in the practice of flower border. How to create more colorful, low-maintenance, and high-quality flower-border works with artistic techniques, scientific principles and a better attitude is the highlight of our current issue.
基于l1拓扑空间的局部紧性,研究了l1鲁棒辨识的渐近收敛性质,据此提出了一个具体的辨识算法,并讨论了辨识误差的l1范数度量界 Based on the local compactness of l1 topological spa
为评价毛桃的根癌病抗原价值,以实生苗为试材,采用人工接种的方法研究了毛桃(Prunus persica)对发根土壤杆菌(Agrobacteriumrhizogenes)的抗性。结果表明:接种的103株实生苗
目的评价中国(未包括香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区,下同)2008年儿童预防接种信息管理系统(Childhood Immunization Information Management System,CIIMS)实施情况。方法
对三种中国产牛肝菌进行了重新研究。将中华绒盖牛肝菌Xerecomus sinensis移至Boletus中,组合为B.sinensis;将南亚牛肝菌B.borneensis从我国牛肝菌区系中排除;确认短管牛肝菌