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尚美教育,是松江四中对按教育规律办学、循科学艺术育人的思路和探索,也是学校办人民满意的教育、走品质化特色化育人之道的构想和实践。事实证明,尚美教育让学校迎来了内涵发展、外延拓展的春天。尚美教育应运而生,起于美术,承于美育,转于尚美素养,合于大艺术的育人观。这里包含着三层意思:一是把“尚美”作名词用,即借美育人,学校借用、挖掘已有的艺术形式或艺术特色,对学生开展育人活动。二是把“尚美”作动词用,表达为“使艺术化”的概念, The education of Shang Mei is the thinking and exploration of the 4th Songjiang School running on the laws of education and following the science and art education. It is also the idea and practice that the school should run satisfactorily the education of the people, take the characteristics of quality and educate people. Facts have proved that the United States is still so educate the school ushered in the connotation of development, extension of the spring outreach. Shang Mei education came into being, starting from art, aesthetics, turn to the United States literacy, education in the arts concept. There are three layers of meanings here: one is to use “still the United States ” as a noun, that is, by aesthetes, borrowed by schools, and excavating existing art forms or artistic features to carry out educating activities for students. The second is to “” is still used as a verb, expressed as “make art ” concept,
播种小麦时用少量肥料作种肥,是我国北方农民传统的施肥方法。但用化肥作种肥,施用不当常影响出苗,达不到预期效果。为此,我们于1986~1988年进行了有关 Sowing wheat with a
By means of 15N tracer technique the fate of N in ammonium sulfate, milk vetch, sesbania and azolla, and the availability of their residual N were studied in a