
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kelly_0810
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Background: Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) are neurodegenerative tauopathies. Sporadic and familial cases of PSP and CBD have been noted, but both have not been reported in a single family. Objective: To describe the clinical, oculomotor, balance, functional imaging, histopathologic, and genetic studies in a family with CBD and PSP. Design: A report of the clinical and pathological features in a familial tauopathy. Setting: University of Minnesota. Patients: We evaluated 2 siblings and clinically assessed 20 additional family members. Main Outcome Measures: Demonstration of salient features in deceased and living family members. Results: Histopathologically confirmed CBD in one sibling and PSP in another deceased sibling were demonstrated; both had clinical features of corticobasal syndrome. In addition, 3 siblings had probable PSP by clinical criteria. Genetic studies of 4 affected family members demonstrated the H1/H1 haplotype but did not reveal pathogenic tau mutations. The family history revealed consanguinity. Conclusions: This is the first report, to our knowledge, of CBD and PSP in 2 individuals in a single family who presented with corticobasal syndrome and had other affected siblings with clinical PSP. Despite clinical and pathologic heterogeneity, a unifying genetic etiology appears likely in this familial tauopathy. Background: Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) are neurodegenerative tauopathies. Sporadic and familial cases of PSP and CBD have been noted, but both have not been reported in a single family. Objective: To describe the clinical, oculomotor, balance, functional imaging, histopathologic, and genetic studies in a family with CBD and PSP. Design: A report of the clinical and pathological features in a familial tauopathy. Patients: We evaluated 2 siblings and clinically assessed 20 additional family members. Main Outcome Measures: Demonstration of salient features in deceased and living family members. Results: Histopathologically confirmed CBD in one sibling and PSP in another deceased sibling were demonstrated; both had clinical features of corticobasal syndrome. In addition, 3 siblings had probable PSP by clinical criteria. Genetic studies of 4 affected family members demonstrated the H1 / H1 haplotype but did not re The family history revealed consanguinity. Conclusions: This is the first report, to our knowledge, of CBD and PSP in 2 individuals in a single family who presented with corticobasal syndrome and had other affected siblings with clinical PSP. Despite clinical and pathologic heterogeneity, a unifying genetic etiology appears likely in this familial tauopathy.
对于娱乐的无尽欲望导致我们失去了自由,我们将毁于我们热爱的东西。  ——赫胥黎    网上沸沸扬扬的消息,史玉柱的《巨人》又打擦边球了,游戏中的“天上人间”洗浴中心直逼现实和小说中的色情娱乐场所,虽然随后不久即被关闭,但依然引起了长时间的广泛争议。  对此,笔者并不感到意外。史玉柱是成功商人,是改革开放后第一代企业家当中极少数倒下之后能东山再起的人。但他的东山再起不是依靠当初巨人汉卡那样的优秀产品
摘 要:“铁人式”人格品质的内涵是讲诚信、负责任、有爱心、有勇气、有本领。当今时代,这种优秀人格品质在思想政治教育、人的精神追求与人格塑造等方面都具有不可忽视的重大价值。而认真研读相关理论、典型示范、灌输感染和说服以及劳动实践等则是人们培养这种优秀人格品质的现实途径。  关键词:“铁人式”; 人格; 品质  中图分类号: G410 文献标识码:A   文章编号:1672-