
来源 :黄金时代(学生族) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hukaigui88
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说起廖凡,观众普感陌生。他曾经被媒体冠以“黄金配角”的封号,他出演过众多有名的作品:电影《恋爱中的宝贝》《好奇害死猫》《落叶归根》《集结号》《非诚勿扰2》《让子弹飞》,电视剧《将爱情进行到底》《像雾像雨又像风》《风声传奇》……在这些影视作品中,无一例外的是,廖凡饰演的都是配角。2008年,廖凡凭借《一半海水一半火焰》入围金马奖最佳男 Speaking of Liao Fan, the audience feel strange. He was once awarded the title of “Gold Supporting Actor” by the media. He has appeared in many famous works: The movie “Baby in Love”, “Curiosity Killing the Cat”, “Falling Leaves”, “Assembly”, “You Are the One”, “Let the Bullets Fly ”, the drama“ To love in the end ”“ Like the fog like rain and wind ”“ Legend of wind ”...... In these films, without exception, Liao Fan plays a supporting role. In 2008, Liao Fan won the Golden Horse Award for best man by virtue of “Half the Flame of Half Sea Water”
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