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随着女性主义思潮的兴起,也作为人性研究的深入,相当一部分学者开始关注张爱玲的女性文本及女性主义价值,从女性本位的立场来评论其价值。如高全之的《张爱玲的女性本位》、陈芳明的《毁灭与永恒》、任一鸣的《中国女性文学的现代衍进--从女性文学到“新女性主 With the rise of the feminist trend and the deepening of humanity researches, a considerable number of scholars began to pay attention to the female texts and feminist values ​​of Zhang Ailing and comment on their values ​​from the standpoint of women. Such as the ”women’s standard of Zhang Ailing“ by Gao Quan, ”destruction and eternity“ by Chen Fangming, ”the modern inheritance of Chinese women’s literature by Ren Yiming“ - the new female protagonist from ”female literature"
Objectives: To evaluate the Vidas Chlamydia (CHL) assayfor detecting C. Trachomatis with swabs and first catch urine(FCU) specimens from STD patients and high r
本文从大豆质核互作雄性不育系 W931A 的不育性表现和鉴定、败育发生的时期及机理、杂种优势利用的光合生理基础及产量优势的生物学性状等方面进行研究,试图揭示大豆质核互作雄性不育的细胞学和遗传学特性,从而论证质核互作雄性不育在大豆杂种优势利用中的可行性,为大豆遗传育种实践提供科学的理论依据。主要研究结果如下: 1 大豆雄性不育系 W931A 的不育性特征 碘化钾染色实验和花粉发芽率实验均表明大豆雄性
Objective: As a developable ability,empathy is significantly associated with patient-centered care.The authors intended to evaluate the effect of Virtual Dement
植物细胞质雄性不育(cytoplasmic male sterility,CMS)是植物在有性繁殖过程中不能产生正常可育雄配子的遗传现象,这种现象广泛的存在于开花植物中。1921年首先在亚麻中发现,目
RFLP是近年兴起的一种生物技术。RFLP由4个英文词(Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism)的首字母组成,字面意思是限制性片段长度多样性。如果结合RFLP的内涵,其中文意
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Mobile-Stroke Risk Scale and Life Style Guidance (M-SRSguide) in promoting a healthy
Objectives: To describe and analyze risk factors associatedwith disuse of condoms during commercial sexual intercourseamong clients attending sauna and massage