The Eco-Geographical Distribution of Chemi-cal Composition of Soybean Seeds

来源 :The Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edi | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jijianbing520
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The expression of protein and oil content of soybean seeds in rrrrrrrrnworldwide was studied. The results shown that: Latitude and rrrrrrrrnyear’s weather conditions affected protein content of soybean rrrrrrrrnseeds importantly. Elevation affected oil content significantly. rrrrrrrrnThere was important difference in protein / oil content among rrrrrrrrndifferent eco - geographical regions. The zone, in which there rrrrrrrrnwas the highest content of protein / oil, was that one with latitude rrrrrrrrnfrom 0°to 20°59′ . And in this zone, there were different rrrrrrrrnelevation regions, in which protein or oil content was the highest. rrrrrrrrnFor high pro-tein, it was the elevation region with 500 - 1000 m; rrrrrrrrnfor oil, it was 0~ 500 m. Protein / oil content was also different rrrrrrrrnamong different years. However, the changing range among years in rrrrrrrrnTropical and Subtropical regions was smaller than that in Temperate rrrrrrrrnRegions. The relationship between protein / oil content and latitude, rrrrrrrrnelevation or soil pH in the regions outside the Tropic of concerned rrrrrrrrna The expression of protein and oil content of soybean seeds in r r r r r r r r n nwidely was studied. The results shown that: Latitude and r r r r r r r r n n n n n n n n n n n n nyear’s weather conditions affected protein content of soybean r r r r r r r r n nseeds importantly. r r r nThere was important difference in protein / oil content among r r r r r r r r ndifferent eco - geographical regions. The zone, in which there r r r r r r r r nwas the highest content of protein / oil, was that one with latitude r r r r r r r nfrom 0 ° to 20 ° 59 ’. And in this zone, there were different r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r nFor high pro-tein, it was the elevation region with 500 - 1000 m; r r r r r r r nfor oil, it was 0 ~ 500 m. Protein / oil content was also different r r r r r r r r r n namong different years. However, the changing range among years in r r r r r r r r nTropical and Subtropical regions was smaller than that in Temperate r r r r r r r nRegions. The relationship between protein / oil content and latitude, r r r r r r r nelevation or soil pH in the regions outside the the Tropic of concerned r r r r r r r na
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无论做什么事情,兴趣是第一要素。有了兴趣,人的主观能动性就能充分发挥出来,从而取得好的学习成果。学习兴趣是推动学生学习活动的一种强大的内部动力。激发学生的学习兴趣,可以提高学习积极性,变被动学习为主动学习,营造一种活跃的课堂气氛,提高教学效率。在历史教学中,教师要利用知识的内在联系,采用灵活的教学方法,拓展历史课堂,创设教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣,使其积极参与课堂教学活动。  一、改变观念,建立
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文章编号:1005-6629(2007)11-0077-02中图分类号:G632.479 文献标识码:B    [问题的由来]  上海高考化学试卷命题经过多年的发展,最后一题计算题已经逐渐形成为:结合工业生产、利用工业生产反应方程式来进行有关化学计算;前2小题侧重基本化学计算(由物质组成、化学方程式做一步计算);第3、4小题往往结合数据表格、讨论分析、函数作图等等,考查学生计算分析能力,难度较大。
摘 要: 高中物理课程中蕴涵着丰富的素质教育内容,作者从教学第一线的角度,探究高中物理课程中素质教育的基本内容与具体实施方法,努力实现知识传授与素质培养的双重目标,进一步提高学生的科学素养。  关键词: 高中物理课程 素质教育 创新    高中物理课程是普通高中科学学习领域的一门基础课程,与九年义务教育物理或科学课程相衔接,旨在进一步提高学生的科学素养[1]。  高中物理课程中蕴
摘 要: 高一物理概念教学要从具体到抽象再到具体。概念教学可分为引入概念、形成概念、运用概念三个阶段,在具体的教学过程要避免前概念对科学概念的干扰,重视变式教学法,深化学生对概念的运用。  关键词: 物理概念 引入 形成 运用    高中物理跟初中比,无论深度还是广度上,难度都明显增加。高中生普遍认为物理难学,高一物理必修模块是学生学习的重点、难点,也是学生学习困难上的分化
摘 要: 物理学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,因此,物理实验教学在中学物理教学中占有举足轻重的地位。本文从加强仪器管理搞好物理实验教学,发挥教师主导作用上好物理实验课,在物理实验教学中培养学生实验技能和创造思维能力等方面进行详尽的阐述。  关键词: 物理实验教学 仪器管理 教师作用 实验技能 创造思维能力    物理学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,回顾物理学产生和发展
2008年北京奥运会开幕式上,“和”字模块从篆体到宋体极有韵律地演变着,向世界展现汉字的魅力,表达传统文化最核心的理念,传递现代文明极丰富的信息。我们震撼之余,不禁联想到课题研究内容中“趣味性练习设计的应用与效果”,不是也常遇到一类相关“字形”的物理问题吗?它们既精彩又有意义。下面就此简要谈一谈,相信这不仅能激发学生学习热情和兴趣,还可以激励学生思考和应用所学的物理知识。  一、探究“字形”,扣人