The Functional Roles of Lipid Rafts in T-Cell Activation, Immune Diseases and HIV Infection and Prev

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The first appearance of lipid rafts, or lipid rafts-like structure, was occasionally observed by cryo-electronic microscopy in 1980s as cavity, such as caveolae. However, the fully understanding of lipid raft was attributed by the studies of T cell activation. virus entry/budding, and other membrane events. During the interaction of T cell and antigen presenting cell, a highly organized structure is formed at the interface of the two cells, where cholesterol and sphingolipids are enriched, and form a liquid ordered phase that facilitates the signaling proteins on and off. Lipid rafts are also involved in virus entry and assembly. In this review, we will discuss cholesterol sphingolipid floating micro domain, the lipid raft as a unique compartment of the plasma membrane, with biological functions that ensure correct intracellular traffic of proteins and lipids, such as protein-protein interactions by concentrating certain proteins in these micro domains, while excluding others. We also discuss the disruption of lipid rafts is re teed to different diseases and aging, and we especially exploit the lipid rafts as pharmaceutical targets for anti-virus and anti-inflammation. Particularly a new approach to control HIV infection for AIDS prevention and perfection by inhibition or disruption of lipid rafts. Cellular & Molecular Immunology 2008;5(1):1-7.
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【关键词】稽留流产;米非司酮;米索前列醇  【中图分类号】R96 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1008-6455(2012)01-0300-01  稽留流产,由于胚胎死亡时间长,组织机化,与子宫壁粘连较紧,处理比较困难。我科采用米非司酮联合米索前列醇在清宫前应用,取得了较好的效果。现报道如下。  1 资料与方法  1.1一般资料 取自我院2010年1月-2010年12月门诊与住院的