排除障碍 架设桥梁——美国聋人实习教师在中国

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1998年,在中国百年聋教史上发生了一件破天荒的事:世界著名的美国加劳德祷(Callaudet)大学的两位聋人研究生来中国聋校实习。单就事件本身就值得载册。至于它的深远意义,虽还有待岁月未展,但我们相信,这种跨国实习之举,无疑是新世纪精神——“全球性的交流与合作”的一种体现。此文详细介绍了两位研究生来中国的前前后后。本刊登载此文,一是想让人们永远记住本世纪末中美在聋人教育领域的一次成功合作的史实,二是想让读者能从文章中品读出世界聋教育的精髓与趋势,从而能深刻地思考我们在新世纪如何发展中国的聋人教育。希望读者能把你的读后感寄予我刊。因原文较长,本刊将分两期刊登,请读者关注。 In 1998, an unprecedented event happened in the history of deaf education in China for a hundred years: two deaf graduate students from the world famous Callaudet University in the United States came to practice in deaf school in China. The event alone is worth registering. As far as its far-reaching significance is concerned, the time has not yet been exhibited, but we believe this transnational practice is undoubtedly a reflection of the spirit of the new century - “global exchange and cooperation.” This article details in detail the two postgraduates came to China before and after. First, we want people to always remember the historical facts about the successful cooperation between China and the United States in the field of deaf education at the end of this century. The second is to let readers read the essence and trends of the world’s deaf education from the article, So we can think deeply about how we should develop deaf education in China in the new century. I hope readers can read your post to my magazine. As the original text is longer, the publication will be published in two phases, please readers attention.
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