
来源 :阅读(快乐英语高年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuddy
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  Are you tired of the cold winter days? Don’t worry. Here are some things you can do. Try them to make your winter holiday a lot more fun.
  Invite your friends from the neighborhood(邻居) to sleep over(过夜) at your house. Wear pajamas and tell scary(恐怖的) stories. It will be fun.
  It’s the beginning of a new year. It’s time for a new hobby, such as collecting stamps, keeping a pet or reading.
  Help Mum plan and cook a dinner. Washing vegetables may be a piece of cake for you. If you want to cook, you can learn to add(添加) salt or sugar.
  Play your family’s favorite game. If you don’t have one, how about playing cards, dominoes(多米诺骨牌) or doing a puzzle(字谜)? On weekend nights, you can play these games with your parents.
  Send a card or write a letter to your pen pal(笔友).
  Winter holiday is a time to learn something new, such as Chinese chess(象棋) or skating.
  Come up with an invention(发明). Write down your ideas. Draw a picture on paper. If you want, you can mail it to us.
  How quickly can you say these tongue twisters? Can you think up a tongue twister of your own?
  · Big brown bears buy bread in a blue box.
  · Fanny found(发现) five fast and funny flies.
  · My mother, May, made me make it myself.
  Check the new movie’s show time(上映時间) and go to a movie with your friends.
  Get to know your family’s monthly bills(月账单), such as electricity(电), water and telephone. Think of how to cut(降低) the costs(费用).
  Grow a plant(植物) in your bedroom. Plant some seeds(种子) in a cup or pot(花盆). Put it on your window. Watch the plant grow. Don’t forget to water it.
  Put a world map up near the TV. When you watch the news(新闻), you can find the places you see on TV.
我们都知道人的血液有不同的类型,叫做血型。纽细胞的血型有四种:A型、B型、AB型和。型。输血之前必须验证血型。试验表明,AB型血可以接受任何类型的血,O型血可以输给任何血型的人,其他情况下,人只能接受同类型的血液。过去人们认为,一个人的血型是终身不变的,还有人把血型称为“红色户口”。这是真的吗?  对于绝大多数人来说,血型的确是终身不变的,但也有例外。科学研究发现,有时疾病会改变人的血型,比如,白
What food often plays roles(扮演角色) in fairy tales? Beans! They are in the story of Jack and the Beanstalk(《杰克与魔豆》). Jack has a magic bean. They are in the story of the Princess and the Pea(《豌豆公主》), too
The railway station is so busy. Take a close look at the picture below, and judge whether the sentences below are right or wrong.  1. It is a cold winter day. (True/ False)  2. There are twenty people
Here comes spring. Butterflies are flying happily! Monarch butterflies(帝王蝶) are not happy. What’s wrong with them? Let Angela the monarch butterfly tell you.  We are sad because most of our family mem
Summer vacation is coming. What are you going to do this summer? Watching movies is a lot of fun. Here are some interesting movies and you can watch during summer vacation. Let’s have a look.  Do you
一只老鼠背着一块蛋糕回家,在路上遇到了困难,朋友们帮助了他,可他却不愿和朋友们分享他的蛋糕。结果会怎么样呢?一起来读读这个故事吧!  One day, a mouse found a big piece of cake. It looked very sweet.  The mouse loved desserts. He wanted to take it home.  He had to cr
When springtime comes upon us,  Filling freshness in the air.  Showing nature’s own beauty,  With flowers blooming everywhere.  春天來了,  空气多么新鲜。  大自然彰显出她的美,  遍地花儿尽情盛开。
侦探片中我们经常看到,警察用特殊的工具把犯罪现场的指纹显现出来,那我们自己也可以做到吗?用手指肚在纸上用力按一下,看一看纸上什么痕迹也没有留下,怎样才能看见你留下的指纹?  实验器材 碘酒、剪好的易拉罐小盒、蜡烛、白纸、火柴。  实验过程 1.在白纸上印上指纹。  2.看一看白纸上并没有指纹的印迹。  3.用少量碘酒放进铁盒里。  4.点燃蜡烛,使碘酒在蜡烛上方加热(一直加热到碘酒变干,有紫红色蒸
They are smart and brave. They are good at finding secrets. Yes, they are spies(间谍). What makes them more magic? Their tools(工具). A pen is not just a pen for them. It can be a gun(枪). Read on to find
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