
来源 :当代体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jordanfandemin
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一天,在巴黎王子公园门口贴出了一张巴黎队与塞日尔足球队决战的特大海报.刹时间,狂热的足球迷们奔走相告,争先恐后地前来买票,公园门口很快就出现了一条长龙.队伍缓缓地向前蠕动,不一会儿,轮到一位身材适中、目光深沉、面部既显严肃而又略呈微笑的中年人.当他刚把钱递进窗口,售票员便惊奇的叫道:“是你呀,伊达尔戈先生!怎么,你们国家队教练还自己掏腰包买票啊?说实在的,象你这样的世界足坛名人我们想请还请不到呢,怎么能让你掏钱买票呢!”边说边把钱推了出来.“不行,不行!我不是国家队教练,我怎么能不花钱买票呢!”中年人连忙分辩道.“你客气什么,谁不知道你的相貌和鼎鼎大名?!”一个坚持付款,一个执意相赠,二人相持不下,弄得排队的人个个莫名其妙: One day, at the prince park in Paris posted a big poster of the decisive battle between Paris and the soccer team in Seychelles, brave football fans flew past and scrambling to buy tickets, and the gate of the park soon appeared The team slowly wriggled forward, and in a matter of moments, it turned to a middle-aged man with a medium-sized, deep-eyed face with both a serious and slightly smoothed face, and when he had just handed the money into the window, the conductor Surprised exclaimed: “It is you, Mr. Hidalgo! How, your national team coach also buy their own pocket ah? To be honest, like you world football celebrities, we would like to invite please, how can we let You pay for it! ”Said the money pushed out.“ No, no! I am not a national team coach, how can I not spend money on it! ”The middle-aged people quickly argued. , Who do not know your face and great name ?! "A insist on payment, a insist donated, two stranded, confused line all inexplicable:
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日本Hamamatsu光电子公司生产的S6204型光电二极管由于增益高、通带宽、噪声低,有可能被用来替代昂贵的光电倍增管。这种器件的特 The S6204 photodiode manufactured by H
辽宁 赵庆阁(先负)上海 胡荣华 (1986年4月24日于邯郸市) 中炮对三步虎1.(炮)25 (马)87 2.(马)23 (车)98 3.(兵)71 (炮)894.(马)87 (车)84 至此,形成中炮对三步虎之势。过去
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