Establishment and Application of Ecological Suitability Evaluation System for Highway Route Selectio

来源 :2017年世界交通运输大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq479255
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  Highway traffic construction has promoted the rapid development of national economy.At the same time,construction and operation of the road process have caused various kinds of damage and pollution such as vegetation,land,natural landscape,air environment,water resources,etc.At present,with the development of the highway construction,the ecological impact of highway has got more attention.There have been many researches on the environmental impact of highway construction.The existing research on the impact of highway on ecosystem is mainly focused on the ecological negative effect of highway construction,such as influence of habitat,ecological disturbance and animal activity.The research on the suitability of different ecological systems for highway construction is seldom seen from the ecological system itself.The environmental impact assessment of engineering construction has been fully carried out.But it is the existing research on the influence of highway on ecosystem.
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科学准确地预测公路货运量是进行交通发展规划的合理依据。本文以陕西省安康市旬阳县货运量的历史数据为例,通过求解三次指数平滑模型、弹性系数法及多元线性回归模型的近似最优非负权重建立组合预测模型,分别运用单一模型和组合模型对旬阳县2007 至2015 年的公路货运量进行预测,结果表明组合预测模型具有更高的精确性。据此对旬阳县未来特征年份的货运量进行预测,为相关部门制定中长期规划提供更科学的依据。
由于航空旅客小汽车出行需求的持续增长,机场停车需求不断增加,进而导致机场停车场出现了供需不平衡的状况,本文基于收益管理思想,以期望车位占用率和停车场收益最大化为决策目标,建立了机场停车场收费定价的双层规划模型。基于随机用户均衡原则,建立了航空旅客出行方式选择模型作为双层规划模型的下层模型。并根据所建立的模型设计了相应的求解算法,而后通过算例验证了所提出的模型和算法的可行性。结果 表明,在定价时,考