Epic “Dzhangar” in time: to the problem of preservation and transformation of text and poetic forms

来源 :中国社会科学院丝绸之路文化研究中心 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shem12god
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  The problems of the evolution of poetic forms and epic historicism are some of the topical issues in epic science.Historical-genetic and historical-typological studies of epic monuments allow systematically at the diachronic and synchronous levels to trace the historical and aesthetic dynamics of the national epic.Considering the fact that the evolution of folklore is determined by the regularities of the historical-typological nature,realized within the framework of an integral tradition,which is poly-stage and polygenetic in nature,we face the task of considering the development of the epic "Dzhangar" and its forms.One of the important problems is the problem of establishing patterns of development of the epic,studying not only its artistic form,but also those natural changes that it has undergone.The problems of historicism of the epic forms of Dzhangariada in this study are considered in the evolutionary development from ancient to late-the heroic myth,the heroic tale,the archaic epic,the classical epic,the epic cycle,the late heroic tale,and the processes of transformation and secondary archaization.In its historical and aesthetic dynamics of the epic "Dzhangar" the evolutionary way of development has passed from the ancient forms of the "fantastic hero epic" to the cyclized epic.The peak of the evolutionary development of the epic "Dzhangar" is marked by "concentric cyclization" associated with the manifestation of ethnic self-awareness and historical processes of tribal consolidation and early state formations.Of particular importance is the Central Asian and local ethnic traditions within which the epic "Dzhangar" was formed and lived.The author comes to the conclusion that the historicism and evolution of the poetic forms of the epic "Dzhangar" is due to the poetic and visionary peculiarities of its historicism and the specifics of the development of ethnic culture.Despite the variability of artistic and poetic forms,the epic "Dzhangar",possessing a poly-stadial nature,inherits rudimentary archaic features on the level of subjects and motifs and is recreated on the basis of traditional elements in genre models and canons,having received creative processing in new historical conditions.In the long term,on this issue,comparative-typological studies of the national versions of the "Dzhangar",should be conducted with the involvement of the monuments of the Central Asian epic tradition.
蒙古史诗是在沿丝绸之路国家、民族、部落的迁徙、交融、交战等历史过程中产生、传播、发展及变异的。 《江格尔》《格斯尔》等史诗的传播范围从东边的兴安岭一直到欧洲的伏尔加河流域,几乎覆盖了整个草原丝绸之路。蒙古史诗题材内容的发展变异,与丝绸之路多元文化的相互交融密不可分,因而史诗也成为沿丝绸之路各个国家、民族、部落间深层精神连接的纽带。蒙古史诗研究,在沿丝绸之路各国学者的共同参与推进下起步并发展。近年来