PEG-Cfecal tagging with CT colonography in paediatrics

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scutzq
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  Introduction :This study aims to evaluate the ability to detective the intestinal polyposis by polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution with contrast medium(PEG-C)fecal tagging with CT colonography in children. methods :13 children of recurrent intussusception or suspicious intestinal polyposis, aged 8m-14y. abrosia 24h and take orally peg-c(2 ml/kg) 8hours before examination.A 24 Fr Forey catheter was placed in the rectum, and the balloon was inflated just before the CT scan. Air was insufflated into the colon at the left decubitus position. The patient was scanned axially with a single run from the colonic flexures to the pelvis in the supine position. The study was performed using Philips 256 iCT. Scanning with a received scanning protocol of low-dose abdomen CT. Then, send pictures to the IntelliSpace—Virtual Colonoscopy,observe the entire colon and distal ileum to identify the location of the lesion and the distance to anal. Results :All studies were performed without complications. CTC showed the entire colon and distal ileum without blind spots in all patients. Polyps were located in the ileocecal junction (n = 8), colon (n = 5). All cases were confirmed by colonoscope or minimally invasive surgery.ED Dose of all patients 0.92-2.43msV. Discussion :CTC is a radiologic modality that is being evaluated screening tool for colorectal polyps .There are few reports related to the technique in children. CTC requires bowel preparation and colonic insufflation. In particular, optimizing bowel preparation is important. PEG-C is provides a clean mucosal surface,to distinguish the neoformation and remained liquid. Colonoscopy provides high diagnostic accuracy, and has been the routine therapeutic modality for diagnosis and treatment of colorectal elevated lesion in children. However, colonoscopy is invasive and often needs sedation. Our data shows that CTC could be carried out safely in children without sedation . A low dose of radiation may not allow the use of stool tagging because barium and iodine-containing oral contrast agents tend to increase noise and streak artifacts. However, the con- trast agent diluted with PEG solution did not generate noise or artifacts in our study. In conclusion, CTC using PEG-C prepa- ration is safe and less invasive compared to conventional CTC due to the shorter examination time and lower radiation dose.
目的 探讨风险矩阵分析法风险矩阵图应用于分析介入专科护理过程中的潜在风险,获得该专科风险管理重点和风险管理办法。方法 列出介入放射科专科护理中可能出现的所有潜在问题,依次估计潜在问题发生的可能性,按数字0-10进行可能性预估,再估计问题发生后对整个专科业务发展、医疗护理安全、患者安全、患者满意度、专科在本医院发展的外部支持力量等的影响,用0-10数字进行不良影响的严重程度预估,得出风险矩阵图。根据
Background T2-Weighted MRI reveals myocardial edema and enables estimation of the ischemic area at risk and myocardial salvage in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI). We compared the diagno
目的 探讨介入手术室中护士面临的潜在的以及显在的职业危害及防护。方法 通过临床观察和分析介入手术室护士面临的潜在的如各种不利心理因素、情绪,介入导管室各种噪声污染及显在的如最为核心、关键的放射线危害,最为常见、直接的医疗锐器的意外伤害产生的危害,化疗药物产生的化学等职业危害等并提出对应的防护。
目的 探讨飞利浦256层螺旋CT主动脉CTA中,不同触发检测点对对比剂剂量的影响。方法 将接受主动脉CTA的80例患者随机分为AB两组,对比剂为典比乐(350mgI/ml),注射流速为4ml/s,A组监测点在主动脉气管分叉水平,对比剂为90ml,B组监测点在肺动脉干,对比剂为50ml,测定主动脉增强后平均CT值,统计分析两种监测点下主动脉增强后CT值和图像质量。
目的 探讨超选择性颈外动脉栓塞术治疗难治性鼻出血的临床疗效。 方法 难治性鼻出血19例,男12例,女7例;年龄 18~56岁,平均45岁。其中外伤性出血4例,无明显原因出血7例,鼻咽癌出血2例,高血压性鼻出血3例,慢性鼻窦炎3例。单侧鼻出血13例,双侧鼻出血4例,反复交替出血2例,出血时间3-7天,出血量约为400-800ml,均经常规止血治疗无效。采用Seldinger技术穿刺右侧股动脉,导丝导
目的 现回顾性分析所选病例的MRI图像,探讨适合贲门癌患者术前检查及较好显示食管胸下段及腹段黏膜sag和cor 图像的以器官为轴进行定位的方法. 方法 1.1 资料:选取我院48例贲门癌患者图像资料,15例采取常规MRI检查方法,33例采取改进后MRI检查方法.1.2 方法:3.0T MR 扫描仪GE,使用TORSO线圈.所有病人在检查前空腹12小时,检查前二十分钟开始喝水,后喝水至打嗝.常规检查
目的:提升手术的成功率,并且降低并发症发生,尽最大可能减轻患者痛苦,提高家属的满意度 方法:导管室密切的术中配合等优质护理 结果:手术顺利进行,减少术中术后并发症,促进患者早日康复 结论:导管室的优质护理是急诊PCI成功的重要环节。
Objective To assess quantitative and subjective image quality and radiation dose for abdominal enhanced CT with low tube voltage and low-concentration iodinated contrast agent in children. Methods For
目的:探讨CT仿真肠镜(CTC)在儿童继发性肠套叠中的应用方法及价值. 材料:收取2016年2月-5月间因反复肠套叠,考虑继发性肠套叠行CT仿真结肠镜检查患儿13例.肠道准备:全部患儿于检查前禁食24小时,并利用聚乙二醇溶液(PEG)500-1500ml洗肠;检查前8小时口服9:1的聚乙二醇—碘对比剂混合溶液(PEG-C)30-80ml进行肠道内粪便标记. 空气灌肠:使用22-24号带球囊肛管至直