Perisaccadic receptive field expansion in the lateral intraparietal area(LIP):A learning model

来源 :第九届海内外华人神经科学家研讨会(The 9th Symposium for Chinese Neuroscientis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zooton2009
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  Humans and monkeys have access to an accurate representation of visual space despite a constantly moving eye.One mechanism by which the brain accomplishes this is by remapping visual receptive fields around the time of a saccade.In this process a neuron can be excited by a probe stimulus in the current receptive field,and also simultaneously by a probe stimulus in the location that will be brought into the neurons receptive field by the saccade(the future receptive field),even before saccade begins.The recent experimental study revealed that perisaccadic neuronal excitability is not limited to the current and future receptive fields,but encompasses the entire region of visual space across which the current receptive field will be swept by the saccade.In this study,we build a computational model and demonstrate that the neural system can learn this predictive remapping function naturally from experiences in the early development of the brain.Our model adopts the spike-timing-dependent-plasticity learning rule to update neuronal connections based on saccadic experiences and the corollary discharge signal associated with saccade planning to control the timing of remapping.
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