Relation between Preoperative Imaging Assessment of Neoadjuvant Therapy and Pathological Response in

来源 :第十三届全国胃癌学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XM201314
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  Objective To analyze the characteristics of gastric cancer patients with different clinical and pathological response to NAC.
Objective Although some studies on the prognostic role of pN0 SRC are available,most of them are limited by such problems as small sample size,no multivariate analysis,and being restricted to specific
Objective EGC was categorized into stage T1N1-3M0(clinical stage of ⅠB,ⅡA and ⅡB)and stage T1N0M0(stage ⅠA),according to the 7th edition NCCN guidelines.
目的 癌睾抗原是目前肿瘤免疫治疗中的一个研究热点,有研究表明MAGE-A1 和NYESO-1可作为判断胃癌分期和预后的一个指标,且KKLC-1 在胃癌组织中呈明显的高表达,所以本文将检测这三种癌睾抗原在胃癌组织中的表达,并探讨临床病理特征与其之间的相关性,为胃癌的免疫治疗提供理论依据。
目的 幽门螺旋杆菌(H.pylori)呈世界性分布,为人类胃癌的一类致癌病原体.我国为多民族国家,各民族间H.pylori 感染率可能存在一定差异.本研究通过Meta 分析比较藏族与汉族H.pylori 感染率.
Objective The current studies on the relationship between claudin-3 expression and gastric cancer were controversial.
Objective To analyze the clinical pathologic characteristics of HER2,Lauren somatotype and p53 and evaluate the clinical significance of HER2 protein expression.
Objective Gastric cancer is a prevalent malignancy in Ease Asian countries.China has the largest burden of gastric cancer in the world,and the overall survival is relative poor.
Objective This study aims to evaluate the prognostic significance of serum CEA and CA19-9 levels in patients with gastric cancer and construct a prognostic nomogram to refine risk stratification syste
目的 环状RNA(circRNA)的组织特异性、疾病特异性及高稳定性等特征,使circRNA 作为临床疾病的分子标志物具有明显优势。
Objective As one of the most common gastrointestinal malignances nowadays,gastric cancer(GC)is the secondary leading cause of cancer-related mortality in China,in spite of a decreasing global incidenc