Serum and cerebrospinal fluid levels of transthyretin in Lewy body disorders with and without dement

来源 :中国脑血管病大会2013 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinxueqiQQ
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  Parkinson’s disease (PD) without (non-demented,PDND) and with dementia (PDD),and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) are subsumed under the umbrella term Lewy body disorders (LBD).The main component of the underlying pathologic substrate,i.e.Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites,is misfolded -synuclein (Asyn),and – in particular in demented LBD patients – cooccurring misfolded Amyloid beta (Abeta).Transthyretin (TTR),a clearance protein produced in the periphery and,autonomously,in the central nervous system,is associated with Abeta accumulation in Alzheimer’s disease.In addition,a recent study suggests that TTR is involved in Asyn clearance.We measured TTR protein levels in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 131 LBD patients (77 PDND,26 PDD,and 28 DLB) and 72 controls,and compared TTR levels with demographic and clinical data as well as neurodegenerative markers of the CSF.Five single nucleotide polymorphisms of the TTR gene which are considered to influence the ability of the protein to carry its ligands were also analyzed.CSF TTR levels were significantly higher in LBD patients compared to controls.Post-hoc analyses demonstrated that this effect was driven by PDND patients.In addition,CSF TTR levels correlated negatively with CSF Abeta1-42,total tau and p-tau levels.In serum,demented LBD patients showed significantly lower levels than controls.There was no relevant association between TTR levels and genetic,demographic and clinical data,respectively.These results suggest an involvement of the clearance protein TTR in LBD pathophysiology.
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目的 探讨伴皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病(CADASIL)影像学和临床特点,分析影像学特点与Notch3 基因外显子3,4 的相关性.方法 收集自2010 年8 月至2012 年11 月,在北京天坛医院神经内科就诊住院,诊断为伴皮质下梗死和白质脑病的常染色体显性遗传性脑动脉病(CADASIL)非家系患者11 例,对其进行影像学、临床,基因检测结果进行回顾性研究.结果 临床表现为
Introduction:It is well known that CYP2C19*2/*2 is associated with attenuated response to clopidogrel,but recent findings indicated that in white patients,paraoxonase-1 (PON1) 192Q/Q was a major deter
背景与目的:血管性帕金森综合症(vascularparkinsonism,VP)是由脑血管病变引起的继发性帕金森综合征,它的存在已经由病理学证实.VP 与原发性帕金森氏病、帕金森叠加症及其它原因引起的帕金森综合症在临床上容易混淆,本研究目的在于观察帕金森门诊就诊的具有帕金森样表现的患者,通过分类比较,总结VP 的临床和影像学特征.
偏身舞蹈症为神经科常见的锥体外系症状,通常为壳核、尾状核、丘脑底核病变导致,病因可为血管病、感染、中毒、代谢性疾病等.非酮症高血糖导致的偏身舞蹈症自Bedwell1960 年首次报道后,国内外对该病的认识及研究陆续增多,因发病机制尚未完全清楚,缺乏特异的影像学表现,临床工作中常造成误诊及漏诊.现就我院2011 年6 月至2012年10 月我院收治的考虑为该病的4 名患者报告如下.
病例报告 患者丁某,男,42 岁,因"发作性头痛6 天"于2012 年11 月13 收入院.患者头痛呈发作性,表现为双侧颞部搏动样疼痛,每日发作一次,每次持续半小时左右,头痛与体位变化无关.无头晕.无恶心、呕吐.无吞咽困难及饮水呛咳.急于我院就诊,当时测血压180/120mmHg,颅脑CT示脑桥弥漫性低密度改变,予对症处理.后再次于门诊行颅脑MR 检查示脑干异常信号,收入院.患者既往体健.入院后神
背景与目的 近些年来,大量研究发现许多因素如年龄、高血压等与脑白质疏松有不同程度相关性,但对于这些因素对脑白质疏松影响程度研究较少.可决系数(R2)是测定多个变量间相关关系密切程度的统计分析指标,可以反映自变量对因变量的联合的影响程度.可决系数越大,提示自变量对因变量的解释程度越高,自变量引起的变动占总变动的百分比高.本研究旨在通过R2 值探寻不同相关因素对脑白质疏松的影响,为脑白质疏松二级预防提
患者男性,65 岁.因"一过性头晕伴言语含糊4 小时"于2012 年7 月26 日入院.既往病史:高血压病史4 年,血压在180/100mmHg 左右.查体:左侧血压110/60mmHg,右侧130/60mmHg,心肺听诊未见异常.神经系统查体未见阳性体征.入院诊断:1.短暂性脑缺血发作,2.高血压病3 级(极高危).入院后心电图示窦性心律不齐.心脏彩色多普勒提示二尖瓣少量返流.头MRI 平扫+D