Photocatalytic Water Purification Using Nanostructure of Graphitic Carbon Nitride (g-C3N4) by Visibl

来源 :第七届国际分离科学与技术会议(Proceedings of the 7th International Conferen | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinpeizhen
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  Removing pollutants from water is important to maintaining clean environment and eco system.Among various technologies,water purification using photocatalyst is easy and simple to handle,and able to use sunlight directly.[1] The most widely used photocatalyst is TiO2 powder which is cheap,but e-h+ pairs separation occurred mostly under UV light irradiation which is hard to utilize long wavelength region even sunlight consist with large portion of above wavelength of visible light.[2] To utilize sunlight properly,photocatalyst have to be adsorbed long wavelength light and generate e-h+ pairs.Herein,a polymer photocatalyst,g-C3N4 with silver ion supported were developed to degrade organic dye (RhB).The nanostructured g-C3N4 can enhance its photocatalytic activity due to its thin layer which is reduced electron and hole recombination.[3] Moreover metal assisted g-C3N4 can remove organic dye much faster than non-structure,structured g-C3N4 and TiO2 nanoparticle under visible light irradiation (>420nm).The functional organic metal hybrid material exhibited modified electronic properties of g-C3N4.Also unlike sulfide and oxynitride semiconductor,g-C3N4 photocatalyst is stable under light irradiation in water solution as well as in acid or base due to its strong covalent bonds between carbon and nitrogen atoms.The high stability and moderate band gap imply that g-C3N4 has numerous potential application in the photocatalyst field.
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  Sulforaphene (4-methylsulfinyl-3-butenyl isothiocyanate),which has significant chemopreventive activities,is an important phytochemical ingredient produced
全国各地都轟轟烈烈的展开了技术革命运动,我們医院也不例外,領导号召大家徹底解放思想,破除迷信,积極献計献策。 嬰兒室的同志們首先提出要在嬰兒室內設立一个哺乳室,讓产
  At present,the technology of uptaking potassium from seawater mainly concentrated in the extraction from bittern and seawater [1].But the concentrated solut
目的:回顾性分析衡水市二级以上医院重症监护病房(ICU)的医院感染患者入住ICU 24 h内的高危因素,建立ICU医院感染早期预测模型。方法:回顾性查阅衡水市二级以上医院2011年1月