Functional Mechanisms of Alpha-Crystallins,the Small Heat Shock Proteins with Multiple Functions Inv

来源 :第八届中国眼科学和视觉科学研究大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdwm
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  Alpha-crystallins are small heat shock proteins.Although they are initially found to be lens proteins,later studies have shown that they have multiple functions including autokinase,chaperone,and apoptosis regulator.Their functional status is linked to aging-related AMD,uveitis and cataract.
目的 过度瘢痕化是青光眼滤过术失败的主要原因。结膜成纤维细胞的增殖、凋亡和迁移以及细胞外基质沉积是瘢痕形成的重要过程。近年来研究发现氯离子通道在多种细胞类型中发挥控制细胞增殖、凋亡、迁移的作用,但是目前关于氯离子通道在结膜成纤维细胞中作用的报道还很少。
目的 以绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)作为标记基因,将带有目的基因C3 的慢病毒(LV)病毒载体,分别导入原代人小梁网细胞(HTMC)和大鼠前房角小梁网,以观察C3 的作用程度、表达水平及持续时间。
Objective To observe the production mechanism of surfactant protein D(SP-D)in human corneal epithelial cells(HCECs)when infected by Aspergillus fumigatus(A.fumigatus)hyphae,and explore whether SP-D ca
Purpose To investigate the effects of all trans-retinoic acid(atRA)and retinoic acid receptor β(RARβ)on Dectin-1 in human corneal epithelial cells exposed to Aspergillus fumigates(A.fumigatus).Methods
目的 本研究对一中国汉族Avellino 角膜营养不良(ACD)家系进行分子遗传学研究,分析TGFβI 基因突变与患者表型的关系,探讨女性?患者在特定TGFβI 突变时表型较严重的可能机制。方法 收集一个中国汉族ACD 家系共3 代19 名家系成员,对TGFβI 基因进行分子遗传学研究。构建该家系致病突变R124H 野生型及突变型的质粒,对人角膜上皮细胞进行传代培养,转染上述质粒载体;并将人角膜上
Aim Microbial infection is one of the most serious problems in the field of medical devices,particularly in implants.methords Herein,we have designed and constructed a(mucin/poly(ethyleneimine))n((muc
目的 比较特比萘芬与布替萘芬对眼部真菌感染常见病原菌的体外药物敏感性,为眼科抗真菌药物的针对性给药提供实验依据。方法 临床分离真菌菌株共50 株,其中镰刀菌属15 株,念珠菌株15 株,曲霉菌属20 株,以克柔念珠菌ATCC-6258 为质控菌。
目的 检验体外培养的人角膜缘微环境细胞(limbal niche cell,LNC)移植对碱烧伤导致的兔角膜缘干细胞失代偿(limbal stem cell deficiency,LSCD)的治疗作用.方法 采用碱烧伤法制作部分性角膜缘干细胞失代偿兔动物模型,以骨髓来源间质干细胞(bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells,BMMSC)为对照组,分别于碱烧
Background Heat shock factor 4,which is a regulator of heat shock response by upregulating the expression of heat shock proteins,plays a critical role in the regulation of postnatal lens development.K
Object Retinal degeneration(RD)is an inherited eye disease characterized by irreversible photoreceptor loss and may lead to the activation of the resident microglia.Recently,stem cell-based therapy ha