The World Report on Disability and its Impact for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine

来源 :中华医学会第十三次全国物理医学与康复学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong435
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@@ The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the World Bank have launched the World Report on Disability (1) by in the United Nations Headquarters in New York on June 9, 2011. It refers to the UN-Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2) and slates - based on statistical data-that 1 billion people in the world experience significant disabilities. This corresponds to about 15% of the worlds population and is higher than WHO has estimated previously (1). One of the chapters of the report highlights the significance of rehabilitation as aset of measures to improve functioning and enables participation. This includes prevention of the loss of function, slowing the rate of loss of function, improvement or restoration of functions, compensation for lost function, and maintenance of current function The WRD concludes that rehabilitation needs team-integrated action including Rehabilitation Medicine, therapies as well as assistive technologies. A special focus of the WRD lies in the description of unmet needs in rehabilitation and in barriers to rehabilitation from this specific action to improve rehabilitation services is addressed including addressing barriers to rehabilitation, reforming policies, laws, and delivery systems, developing funding mechanism for rehabilitation, increasing human resources for rehabilitation, expanding and decentralizing service delivery, increasing the use and affordability of technology, and expanding research and evidence practice. Thus there are many fields PRM can contribute to the necessary action to fight against disability and barriers for inclusion of persons with disabilities, e.g.
  丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)为单股正链RNA病毒,归类于黄病毒科、肝炎病毒属,有6个基因型。其中HCV NS3/4A丝氨酸蛋白酶不仅是HCV多聚蛋白前体加工成熟的关键酶,而且还通过调控干扰素