Influence of a Large Amount of Hydrogen on Reaction Behavior of Sinter under a Blast Furnace Simulat

来源 :第八届(2011)中国钢铁年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xumingxingHUANG
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In order to further reduce CO2 emission in ironmaking, utilization of a large amount of hydrogen to a blast furnace would be essential in the future. In this work, influence of hydrogen half substitute to bosh gas on reaction behavior of sinter under a blast furnace simulated condition was examined until 1400℃ using a laboratory reactor. In the reactor with electric heating parts, two pieces of sinter (15mmφx10mm size) were set inside a graphite crucible (18mm inner dia.) and heated up under 1 kg load until 1400℃ according to a heating pattern with a thermal reserve zone temperature 1000℃ in gas flow conditions with or without hydrogen half substitute to basic bosh gas N2-CO-CO2. Reduction of sinter finalized around 1100℃ in the condition of H2 substitute, while the reduction retarded around these temperatures in the condition without H2 substitute, being likely because low melting slag containing residual FeO was formed due to weaker reduction power of CO than hydrogen. The condition of H2 substitute provided higher carbon contents in sinter after reduction than the condition without H2 substitute. This is likely because hydrogen promoted carburization to solid iron with CO gas and provided more amounts of reduced irons. The condition of H2 substitute improved softening melting behavior of sinter by nearly 70℃, being likely because the condition inhibited the formation of the low melting slag. Furthermore, from analysis based on List model it was evaluated that an operation with half substitute of hydrogen to a basic bosh gas gave less coke rate 346 kg/thm and less BF production 7945 t/day compared with 461kg/thm and 8999 t/day in a basic operation. The results will be overall compared and discussed to aim at an innovative high productivity with H2 half substitute to bosh gas in a blast furnace.
2010 年以来河南多条超高压线路发生覆冰舞动故障,也包括紧凑型线路舞动跳闸,通过对山区紧凑型线路舞动的观测和分析,既有符合常规线路舞动机理情况,也有山区紧凑型线路新的特点,舞动是跳闸的关键原因,导线的偏转也对安全运行构成威胁,采用安装相间绝缘子,是提高山区紧凑型线路防舞动的基本措施。
主要介绍了郑州燃气电厂1、2 号发电机组多级给水泵经过一段时间运行,对各转动部位的轴承不同程度的磨损,直接影响机组的安全经济运行,提出了轴承周期性检修、检查的优越性分析。
随着社会的发展,电网对电能品质的要求越来越高,并要求网内发电机组必须投入一次调频功能,特别是两个细则1、2 的出台,在经济利益的驱动下,各个电厂都对本厂的一次调频功能进行了优化,逻辑优化后,一次调频的调节品质达到了要求,而且对机组运行也相对安全。
本文通过对直流大电流标准装置的研究及研制,满足了现场检定的需要;数据采集系统采用了GPS 同步技术和虚拟仪器技术,提高了测量准确性和自动化程度;直流电流传感器现场测试、校验平台不仅可以保障电网安全、稳定和可靠运行,而且具有很高的经济和社会效益。
在全封闭SF6 气体绝缘变电站(GIS)中,隔离开关的操作会产生特快速暂态过电压(VFTO)。由于幅值很高,波前很陡,VFTO 可能对GIS 本体及与其相邻的带绕组设备造成绝缘损害。因此,研究VFTO 产生、特性、对设备的影响以及对其限制措施很有必要。本文结合国内1000kV 晋东南变电站GIS 工程实例,重点分析了VFTO 的计算和分合闸电阻对VFTO 的限制效果。
为电网建立完善的监视平台首要是掌握电网设备的状态并基于此进行分析计算。设备状态相关的信息所涉及的数据面广,且分别来源于不同的系统, 为平台构建带来一定难度。本文研究设计开放式CBM 支撑平台的的体系架构、模型构建、算法集成调用、标准通讯规约等关键技术,并给出关于状态检修工作的建议。
One of our key tasks in Tobata No. 3 Sinter Plant in Yawata Works, Nippon Steel Corp., is to reduce the consumption of expensive burnt lime, which is abundantly used to ensure the permeability of sint