Analysis of Influence Factors of Traffic Capacity when Different Lanes are Occupied

来源 :2017年世界交通运输大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichuangss33
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  In order to study the actual traffic capacity of different lanes are closed when there is a traffic accident on the city road.The influence factors of different road actual capacity are analyzed when different lanes are occupied.In this paper,the method of artificial searching is used to calculate the number and type of vehicles passing through the fault section in each signal period after the traffic accident,and the specific value of actual traffic capacity is calculated.The paper analyzes the traffic volume,the intersection ratio of the upper and lower reaches,the turning ratio of the downstream intersection.Do these factors have different effects on actual road capacity when different roads are closed? VISSIM simulation is adopted to validate the analysis result.Finally,it is found that the actual capacity of the closed No.1 and No.2 lane road is better than that of the closed No.2 and No.3 lane road because of the role of the branch.Traffic accidents occur at different locations of the road,but there is a difference in the actual capacity of the road.
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