Success rate of combined tobacco cessation counseling in the line of treatment in patients with non-

来源 :第十一届亚太地区烟草或健康大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lxue_hlp
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  BACKGROUND: Non-communicable diseases(NCDs)result in enormous burdens for either low or high income country.Tobacco use is considerable risk factor of NCDs with poor prognosis.
Tobacco epidemic is now one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced: Tobacco related illnesses are killing nearly 6 million people a year,while more than 10% are result of non-sm
Smoking is a substantial public health issue in Indonesia,as in many other developing countries.Though progress has recently been made in tobacco control policy,there are important differences between
Since 2008,Surabaya city had regulation regarding smoke-free area and smoking restricted area.Smoke-free area includes childrens play facilities,learning facilities,health facilities,worship place,and
台灣在2009 年1 月11 日開始執行大部分的室內公共及工作場所禁菸、菸品容器印製面積35%的警示圖文、全面禁止菸品廣告促銷及贊助等菸害防制措施,但相較國際趨勢,仍有諸多不足之處。特別是多年來吸菸率雖有下降,但菸品消費量卻是呈上升趨勢。
董氏基金會為華人地區最早全心投入推動菸害防制的非營利組織,致力於菸害防制的社會倡議,政策推動、媒體傳播、教育宣導、鼓勵戒菸及國際合作等議題,並結合100 餘民間團體,以「室內公共及工作場所百分百全面禁菸」為前提,促成菸害防制法之立法、修訂與執行之監督。
[目的]探讨备孕人群中男性吸烟者的戒烟意愿及相关影响因素,为找寻该人群有效地戒烟行为促进提供科学依据。[方法]分别在浙江省绍兴柯桥区、台州路桥区、诸暨市和温岭市等4 城市的婚姻登记处,拦截调查计划备孕的男性吸烟者各120 人,实际调查555 人。
Although smoking cessation services in the workplace could increase the chance for smoking employees to quit smoking successfully,literature reviews show that workplace health practitioners still lack
BACKGROUND: Identifying the predictors of smoking cessation can lead to evidence-based strategies to increase cessation outcomes among smokers.This study was designed to identify individual-level pred
Objective: This study aimed to explore the characteristics of local female smokers and the predictors of quitting.Design: Retrospective case review.
Background: The aim of this study was to assess dentists who were smokers in terms of their reasons to initiate smoking,barriers to quit,perception as a smoker,attitudes towards tobacco cessation coun