Not All Types of Tumor-infiltrating Lymphocytes Amity with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Me

来源 :中国免疫学会第九届全国免疫学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsiqin
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Background: Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer to affect women in the world.Researches previously concern more about the biological features of breast cancer itself, but recently, pay more attentions to tumor mi croenviroment, like tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs).Accumulating evidences have shown that TILs exhibit both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on breast cancer, but the conclusion still remains unclear.Here we searched the available studies and conducted a meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the value of total or a subtype of TILs as a prognostic marker for breast cancer and to determine their relationship with several clinicopathological variables.
Objective Blepharoptosis is one of most common eye disease, and its clinical feature is shown as one or both eyelids are not able to lift or lift completely.As sight lines are sheltered, patients grad
目的:探讨应用去表皮包皮环切的方法行阴茎增粗术。方法:阴茎根部阻滞麻醉下,环形去除多余包皮的表皮部分,保留浅筋膜和血管,内翻折叠缝合皮下浅筋膜形成隆起的环,精确对位缝合伤口。 结果:共42例患者,术后随访3-12个月,切口愈合好,水肿消退快,阴茎包皮长短合适,无勃起牵扯感,疲软时环切处包皮呈增粗隆起,勃起时更为明显。 结论:去表皮包皮环切术在微创缩短包皮的同时,具有一定的阴茎增粗效果,值得临床推广
目的 探讨体外构建的人脂肪组织细胞外基质支架与脂肪干细胞生物相容性,分析其作为脂肪组织工程支架的可行性.方法 收集抽脂术患者的脂肪组织约300ml,提取细胞外基质,并制备成粉末状,钴-60γ射线辐射灭菌.绿色荧光标记脂肪干细胞;将荧光标记的脂肪干细胞与支架粘附,荧光显微镜及扫描电镜观察细胞在支架表面的粘附生长情况,并检测粘附率;MTT法绘制粘附后细胞生长曲线并与正常脂肪干细胞生长曲线相比较,检测粘
目的 探讨阴囊中缝区皮肤脱毛的方法,并应用于尿道下裂的修复。材料与方法动物实验:将黑色大鼠阴囊纵隔区域备皮后,左侧予650hm强脉冲光照射,右侧予650nm强脉冲光+1064nm激光叠加照射,并设立对照组。分别于照射后当日,1,3,7,14,28日观察阴囊纵隔生长情况,并取阴囊纵隔皮肤及睾丸标本进行组织学检查。临床应用:自2008年1月至2009年1月,应用650nm强脉冲光对3例尿道下裂患者行阴
Although various reconstruction techniques are available for reconstructing posterior heel defects, reconstruction of the compound defects is an ongoing challenge.Complex, free tissue flaps are often
目的 选择性阴茎背神经切断术(SDPN)被广泛用于治疗早泄,也表现出了一定的疗效,但是,术后可能出现勃起功能障碍,以及龟头及阴茎体远端感觉的缺失等并发症。目前国际上缺乏有关于其术后并发症及治疗方法报道。本研究不仅包括其术后并发症的发生率,同时还提供了治疗方法,并以国际勃起功能量表(IIEn和自信心及性功能量表(SEAR)量化评估感觉和功能重建的效果。
目的 探讨局部皮瓣转移对唇部组织缺损的修复效果。方法 将94例患者的唇部组织缺损应用局部皮瓣进行整形修复术,并观察其修复效果。结果 局部皮瓣转移修复唇部缺损,无论在形态、色泽、质地、功能上都有较好的效果。结论 用局部皮瓣转移修复颌面部缺损有良好的临床效果。
Background& Objective: Tumor-associated macrophages (TAM) are induced by many cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-10,IL-13, and are considered to be of the M2 phenotype, which provides an immunosuppressive mi
Background and objective: Human Vδ2 γδ T cells in peripheral blood is a promising candidate for adoptive cellular therapy of tumors, and its mechanism of proliferation may facilitate to obtain enough