Original Article Negative pressure wound therapy accelerates rats diabetic wound by promoting agenes

来源 :全国第二十三届烧伤专业委员会学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenshibing
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  Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) has become widely adopted to several wound treatment over the last 15 years, including diabetic foot ulcer (DFU).Much of the existing evidence supports that NPWT increase in blood flow, reduce in edema, decrease bacterial proliferation and accelerate granulation-tissue formation.However,the accurate mechanism is not clear till now.The aim of the present study was to further elucidate the effects of NPWT on angiogenesis of diabetic wound model.As result, our data showed: 1) NPWT promoted the wound healing and blood perfusion on both diabetic and normal wound compared with control, 2) The NPWT increased wound vessel density, and the wound treated with NPWT showed well developed and more functional vessels at day 7 post operation compared with control 3) NPWT up regulated the expression of VEGF at day 3 and Ang1 at day 7 on RNA and protein level.4) Ang2 was up regulated in diabetic rats but NPWT attenuated this affection.Our data indicated that NPWT increased vessel density and promoted the maturation of neovascular over the potential mechanism of up regulated VEGF and Ang1 and down regulated of Ang2.
目的评价丹参川芎嗪辅助治疗电弧烧伤患者的临床疗效。方法本研究为随机对照研究。将符合纳入标准的50例电弧烧伤患者按随机数字表法分为2组各25例,对照组视全身情况进行补液、抗休克、抗感染及局部清创磨痂等治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上加用丹参川芎嗪静脉滴注,(10 ml/d,共7 d)。结果7 d时[(25.7±3.1)%比(21.3±3.0)%;t=5.122,P=0.000]和14 d时[(60.3±8
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